Unioncamere Europa
Unioncamere - the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture - is the public body that unites and represents the Italian Chamber System at institutional level. It negotiates programs, agreements and conventions with Italian central authorities and administrations, national and local public bodies, promoting and supporting the connection of the Italian Chambers with business organizations, and other consumers’ and workers’ organizations.
In Brussels
Unioncamere Europa is the association that promotes the interests of the Italian Chambers of Commerce and Industry towards the European institutions and actively cooperates to their participation to EU funded programmes. Unioncamere Europa fosters cooperation with other European Chambers and is an active participant to EUROCHAMBRES, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce, its committees, networks, and platforms. Unioncamere Europa actively monitors European policies, particularly those involving Italian Chamber System priorities such as e-government, business register and simplification, digitalization, jobs and vocational and educational training, company and territory competitiveness, tourism and cultural heritage, internationalization. While providing an information hub, Unioncamere Europa organizes training sessions and provides targeted services for Italian Chambers. It also acts as the representative office of other European sectoral and regional Chamber networks, such as the AIC Forum (Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce) and Mirabilia (Chamber network of European UNESCO Sites) and hosts the headquarters of the European Business Registers Association (EBRA).
Flavio Burlizzi – Director