Università degli Studi di Torino
The University of Turin is one of the most ancient and prestigious Italian Universities.
Hosting almost 80.000 students and with 120 buildings in different areas in Turin and in key places in Piedmont, the University of Turin can be considered as “city-within-a-city”, promoting culture and producing research, innovation, training and employment.
The University of Turin is today one of the largest Italian Universities, open to international research and training. It carries out scientific research and organizes courses in all disciplines, except for Engineering and Architecture. It is an integral part of the community, acting for reviving urban and suburban areas, promoting cultural interaction, social integration and development, encouraging dialogue and insight into current realities.
From 2020, University of Turin, is the unique university in Italy that coordinates a European Universities Alliance, i.e. UNITA- Univeristas Montium.
This ambitious project, which involves currently, after the enlargement ,12 European Universities in 7 countries, aims to have a transformative impact on teaching and research, as well as on the relationshis between the university and the territory, with the purpose of proposing excellent, student-centered education from a European and transnational perspective..
In Brussels
Unito EU Liaison Office is responsible for the following activities, as listed below:
Advocacy and multilevel lobbyng;
Branding and positioning at European level;
Fund raising by means the monitoring of call for proposals; call for tenders and financial instruments;
Participation in the European networks and R&I partners scouting;
Strenghtening of the internationalization activities.